Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Magic in Nepal / Sensitive bodyparts training in China

I found this entertaining documentary about a Wastern Magician who goes to Nepal to meet with a Buddhist monk with very special powers...

Read the following after you've watched the video!

OK, the Western fellow is quite impressive. If the video is not fake and the whole documentary an act, He might actually master the elements. That said, why was he so shocked at the ld fellow levitating? I mean, if one does master the elements, that shouldn't be a problem (there are cases of such things). Maybe he can only master some elemnts at a "beginner's level"? What's up with the cave of the monk?! What's with all the candles? Oh and, what do you know, he turns out not only to be a nice fellow, but he can even speak English! And Even though he was presumably not waiting for them (fine, it must have been his powers), he was not troubled at all by the cameras... Now, I have heard a thing or two about ho Westerners interesting topics related to religion in Asia go about doing their documentaries: they pay people to do yoga poses in front of the Ganges, they tell them what to say. I also know that people in NEpal won't talk about this kind of things unless they know you well and have faith in you (so you must be arround and introduced to people and spend months, possibly years with them). So I smell forgery here.
 Eighter way, it was fun to watch.

 Here's another one!
Question: What do some people do when they're retired in China? What do some men do to regain their virility in China? :)))
Now, that I actually believe!

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